Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
It appears to be the current "rule" for
dollars at least:
Originally Posted by Your Link
Use less when you’re referring to something that can’t be counted or doesn’t have a plural (e.g. money, air, time, music, rain).
It's not a well-written guide, since as written, it seems to imply that all ways of referring to money should use 'less'. But it clearly just means the word 'money', since dollars can be counted and 'dollar' has a plural. Formally, 'euro' doesn't have a plural, so this would imply that something can cost less euro but must cost fewer dollars.
The whole distinction is just an aesthetic preference that's been half-codified, there's no reason to take it seriously. And that's if you've already made the decision to treat prescriptive grammar in general seriously.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Fewer/less isn't ... grammar.