Originally Posted by tomdemaine
The main problem is that clipping bits of crap to other bits of crap for 8 hours is a ****ty way to spend a saturday and the rational mind rebels against it. Once you've experienced not having to clip crap together for 8 hours its tough to make you do it again.
In China, Vietnam or late 19th century London or NYC everyone knew that clipping crap together for 8 (or 14 hours) was a ****ty way to spend a day as well. A lot of people doing that work either had to do it or someone dies.
It was pretty bad work in Detroit in 1960 as well, but when it paid three times as much in real wages, you really got 40 hours + 2 weeks, got a real retirement, full coverage health care and representation and defense against management you could retain people.
I sense this is heading back to UBI again, but that's just on this forum. In real life the world (outside of Scandinavia anyway) is moving more towards tightening the thumb screws until those wages and terms are acceptable.