Originally Posted by Rococo
The people who criticized the media and Democrats for their obsessive focus on Russia should be embarrassed. I don't think anything related to Russia will lead to impeachment, but attention on Russia is the only reason Trump was willing to sign a new sanctions bill against Russia and the only reason that Putin has decided that Trump is an unreliable friend. I doubt that reimposing sanctions will deter Putin from future interference in American elections, but it's better than the alternative.
And it's critically important to remember that Trump was forced into a more normal posture towards Putin only because of Democrats and the media. If left to his own devices, he happily would have compromised the single most important feature of any democracy -- free and fair elections.
The new sanctions are a step forward for sure, and it's a great sign that Congress isn't leaving control of these sanctions in Trump's hands.
That said, there's still a long way to go. I can't agree with you that free and fair elections are finally safe. Our elections are the most vulnerable they've ever been, and for whatever reason (hint hint) they're in more danger from Russia than a 400lb guy in a bed from any other country.
Congress needs to plug a lot of national security holes and quickly, otherwise Putin will find a way to win regardless of whether Trump stays loyal to him.