Originally Posted by Our House
I think he did just fine. He gave Butowski just enough rope to hang himself, then used his own words back at him.
He did a fine dissection, but you only need extend enough rope to get the kill. The host has to control his show; he has to reclaim his time like Maxine Waters. That doing so may seem untoward (it isn't) to Trumpkins should not factor into the decision process in these segments, and
The important thing is how Cuomo came off to the Trump crowd, because this will be chopped up and played in part to them in a negative light. Chris Cuomo did a great job of looking nice.
you are making the Fundamental Error here. You think they're talking about how fair Cuomo seemed this morning over at the /the_donald? Nope, it's still just dozens of threads about Hillary ordering the Seth Rich murder. Maybe we'll find some buried comments about Cuomo's honorable approach:
oblivious, like all cuck betas are who think people like them for being a "nice guy"
Didn't rock it was possible to love KellyAnne more but I do! She had an intelligent articulate response to all the BS spewing out of Cuomo's pie hole.
Chris Cuomo comes off as such an arrogant prick in these interviews. His agenda and biases are laid out in the open for anyone to see.
Chris Cuomo The Pedo Defender is just triggered because he found out that his coworkers all hate him.
There are too many of these to post, but that first one really tells the story.
Being nice is a pathognomonic sign of liberal cuckism to deplorables. They do not value it like you or I when somebody on their team is getting razed. Conversely, commendables want deflectors handled swiftly and forcefully.
Maybe that leaves a group of persuadable fence sitters in the middle. If that's the case, I can't imagine letting a loon spew stream-of-consciousness logorrhea for several minutes yields better outcomes than strictly controlling the convo. I mean, this is the thing that the conservative leadership knows and is actually good at: simple, on-point messaging with a high signal:noise ratio.
Last edited by Lawnmower Man; 08-02-2017 at 01:41 PM.