Originally Posted by simplicitus
Our house, i listened to browder's cspan interview discussing his testimony and linked his recent Trumpcast interview, saw his 60 minutes segment, wached booktv interview him when his book came out, and watched an academic go through Putin's wealth and how he got it, read every julia iofee article and most masha gessen interviews and articles, and much more. I am not concerned that the media is hiding anything, except that which they cannot verify in accord with their own policies and procedures (see, eg, recent CNN firings).
Is there something that I'm missing in all this that you know?
Yes. You had to miss Democrats and their line of questioning, reactions, frustrations, by Hirono, Whitehouse, Durbin, and I forgot one other guy's name but he went after Durbin. That, and Browser's answers, were an awesome 1,2,3,4 punch against the Trump excuses surrounding the Don Jr meeting, and in response to the BS that GOP was trying to pull, especially related to the FARA, Magnisky and that other legislation (started with an O) with loopholes that aren't being addressed.
It's really hard to describe each "ah-ha" that pops up without context. There were so many little things that painted a broad picture by the end. Cornyn's effort to pretend he was being tough on a Magnisky repeal comes to mind as one example that struck me later on when the Dems and Browder showed that the POTUS had access to his own loophole as well...one that Putin is aware of because he's been exploiting it for a while. As Browder pointed out, Magnisky sanctions are Putin's top concern out of all, so when Trump said he and Putin privately discussed "adoptions" during their secret 1 hour 2nd meeting, this hearing showed that Trump should easily be aware of it too. Dems knew. Hirono looked like she was visually upset that GOP tried to cover up for this earlier.
I'm gonna check out some of your reaction suggestions because I haven't seen/heard them yet. There may be some other eye opening moments that I missed in 2 viewings of the hearing.
The thing about the whole situation is that it needs public attention or else GOP accountability and incentive to close the 3 or 4 flaws in various legislation that are allowing sanctioned Russian oligarchs to operate through shell companies and real estate purchases that Trump, Jared, Manafort and others. Direct financial links are either part of the classified info Whitehouse was referring to or with Mueller's team. We don't know how much has been uncovered so far, but Dems clearly showed that IS something and they knew where to probe.
The other big-ish issue that requires public attention is the Jr meeting. The needle got moved forward quite a bit after this. Having ANY of the Trump guys testify publicly last week would have been extra devastating in conjunction with the hearing. Miraculously all 3 escaped their subpoenas. Learning that the same group of Russians who approached Team Trump in the "adoptions" meeting also approached Congress was a pretty interesting reveal too.
Everyone is fixated on smoking guns all the time. We're not going to see those unless something exceptional happens. Mueller would almost definitely have the guns tightly under his hat. But staying focused on those makes someone miss many other pieces of the puzzle. For example, suppose Trump has 4 meetings, all with the same MO. Later, we learn that 2 of those meetings had compromising, blackmailable, and/or illegal activity. This is evidence that the other 2 meetings require follow-up scrutiny, no? I know this post has been all over the place. It's really really difficult to describe to people who haven't seen what you saw, just like it's really really difficult to justify your decisions in a live game based on mannerisms of other players...to people who weren't at the table watching.
My complaints about MSM is they have the tools and staff to be able to grab clips, add context, rinse/repeat, and get the messages across to the people in a 5 minute segment. They're busy showing way less relevant and less interesting Russia stories (some that even show Trump favorably, like whether or not he will sign the new veto-proof sanctions) and I don't know why.