Originally Posted by FlyWf
This is one of the downsides of the right wing media bubble, it has to be legitimately confusing to Jake here how Obamacare is a failure doing the death panels to our sectarian(??? what word do we think he was trying to use here?) society, but at the same time the GOP's attempts to repeal it sparked mass protests and activism and repealing it polls at like 15% and ****.
Well most of the people making sure this disaster stays in place for me (thanks) work for a company and hence have group coverage with a much more healthy risk pool. Nice for you.
Not an option for a single person who is taking a risk to be self-employed. Obamacare is annoying to me, but what's particularly irritating is how so many mindless sheep who aren't on it and don't need it argue in favor of what's literally exploding.
It's exploding, folks. Trump is right. What do you see the barrage of news about premium hikes and departing insurers and go "fake news" or do you think "well, gee it has Obama's name attached and I don't use it but I love Obama!"
Stop arguing in favor of something that is only making people dependent on the government who, last I checked, hasn't exactly helped us out whatsoever in terms of poker. If anybody should know what governments can do, it's young poker players.