Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
The "Macho" category does not really exist. It is just another part of the Conspiracy category.
It's a bit arbitrary how you slice it up and really rather than groups they are like dimensions of the right-wing personality that people can score higher or lower on. However, it's kind of crazy to me that you can say that "Macho" doesn't really exist, I'd call it one of the defining traits of the modern GOP, and certainly of Trumpism. Look at the post directly above this one, where what Trump doesn't like about Priebus is that he's "weak". This is a common right-wing insult along with cuck, snowflake, complaining about "safe spaces" etc. There's threatening to beat up protesters and "grab them by the pussy" (just locker room talk ldo). There's the gun fetishism. The worship of law enforcement and especially the military. "Drill baby drill" and coal rolling. I don't know how you explain any of this without reference to masculine posturing. I'd also say that Trump's tough guy posturing is what a lot of his fans like about him.
It's not normal for the Right to be like that in a prosperous democracy. If you look at the UK for example, none of the above is really a thing. Their Trump-esque figure, Boris Johnson, is not anything like as masculine and dominance seeking as Trump. The erstwhile leader of their anti-immigration party, Nigel Farage, is a ponce.