Originally Posted by sportsjefe
Such weak willed flimsies.
Do people not know such descriptions of themselves are damning for their perceived and actual character?
Lol at someone being a "trump hater" but supporting him because the media and left are being meanies.
This election cycle and post election has really altered my world view. I used to perpetually believe the best in people but now I know there is a significant and likely irreparable problem with the mentality of a significant percentage of adults in the United States.
On the bright side anyone else notice trump supporters are beaten down something fierce since the inauguration? They are clearly spinning because much like trump they just wanted to celebrate their "win" for 30 months. Instead they have been bludgeoned on the rocks of their own idiocy and washed over by the ridiculousness of the trump administration.
I suspect 97.964% of people claiming they hated trump but were turned to the dark side are just closeted liars who hid that they supported trump and are still too silly to own up to their own behavior.