Originally Posted by Dominic
Originally Posted by Our House
Anthony Scaramucci was put in the WH to remove the "Stupid" from Stupid Watergate.
Seems obvious Trump is gearing up to cut ties with the RNC and possibly even innocent Congress members.
He just secured SUPERLOYALTY from the DOJ and is opening investigations into innocent IC people under the guise of leaks. Look at what Sessions has been up to lately.
Also watch what that Mooch does with his
other hand. Not the one that's waving around threats of calling the FBI on Reince, but the hand that just gave the world an excuse for having had conversations with the FBI. Trust me, as an Italian from SI for 25 years, I know these NY characters. They're snakes, and often much slicker than they appear.
I'm not suggesting complete 4D chess, but anyone can tell from interviews and podium time, Scaramucci is a better, more defined bull****ter than Trump is. He's also a better smoke machine. He was brought in for a specific reason though. Whatever it is, I don't like any of the things that are happening behind the sideshow curtain.
Let's not underestimate exactly how desperate and paranoid Trump feels right now.