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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-28-2017 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
NDA? I don't think anyone in the gov't signs NDAs. Any of these clowns could blab to CNN or write a book or whatever.
I'm sure he had people sign something but it would be meaningless.

My pony was 2 seconds slow.
07-28-2017 , 07:25 PM
Now trump has as many generals surrounding him as he received deferments from military service.
07-28-2017 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
NDA? I don't think anyone in the gov't signs NDAs. Any of these clowns could blab to CNN or write a book or whatever.
Allegedly Trump makes everyone that's ever worked for him sign an NDA
07-28-2017 , 07:27 PM
idk about you guys but i hit reset buttons on well-oiled machines all the time
07-28-2017 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
Allegedly Trump makes everyone that's ever worked for him sign an NDA
You would too if you had an endless stream of hookers peeing on you and countless cases of sexual abuse including minors.
07-28-2017 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
NDA? I don't think anyone in the gov't signs NDAs. Any of these clowns could blab to CNN or write a book or whatever.
Yeah, there's no such thing as an NDA in government work. Obviously you have a continuing duty to protect classified and/or confidential information that it could be a crime to reveal, but you can't have an NDA that would cause civil damages. Who the heck would recoup the "damages" and who would sue if you violated this NDA? The government?
07-28-2017 , 07:33 PM
Joy Ann Reid is absolutely losing her **** over the fact that Mooch reports directly to POTUS instead of to the chief of staff. Like the org chart is written in stone in the constitution and Trump is pulling some sort of russian coup by doing something unorthodox here.
07-28-2017 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
NDA? I don't think anyone in the gov't signs NDAs. Any of these clowns could blab to CNN or write a book or whatever.
I don't doubt trump and his idiot lawyers drew up an nda and asked people to sign. I also doubt it is the least bit enforceable.
07-28-2017 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I don't doubt trump and his idiot lawyers drew up an nda and asked people to sign. I also doubt it is the least bit enforceable.
Yeah, if it exists its not going to be enforceable, they're government employees, its not a corporation, there would be nobody to be the plaintiff in a lawsuit. The government doesn't need NDA agreeements because there's such a thing as "classified" information. Instead of getting sued for damages like in the corporate world, you get criminally prosecuted, which is obviously much worse.
07-28-2017 , 07:43 PM
This has got to be the first day since Jan 20 that no one has said the word Russia on the news shows.

Trump is a joke stealer.

Last edited by fatkid; 07-28-2017 at 08:09 PM.
07-28-2017 , 08:15 PM
God the popo had to apologize for the presidents brutality is cool speech.
07-28-2017 , 08:30 PM
Man, Chris Hayes is really making Congresman Zeldin sweat right now...talking to him about Trump's speech today advocating police brutality
07-28-2017 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Yeah, if it exists its not going to be enforceable, they're government employees, its not a corporation, there would be nobody to be the plaintiff in a lawsuit. The government doesn't need NDA agreeements because there's such a thing as "classified" information. Instead of getting sued for damages like in the corporate world, you get criminally prosecuted, which is obviously much worse.
Maybe Trump thinks he can sue as an individual plaintiff?
07-28-2017 , 08:43 PM
Lol, multiple police organizations making statements against his speech. He is going to start burning every single bridge.
07-28-2017 , 08:47 PM
You guys have to read this...apparently, McCain really screwed them over by voting YES to bring the bill to a vote.

07-28-2017 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Maybe Trump thinks he can sue as an individual plaintiff?
I'm sure that's the intent. He isn't suing to protect classified information. He is would sue to prevent people from writing tell all books or talking about how he jerks off to Fox and Friends.
07-28-2017 , 08:54 PM
Hey, something came to mind today...

After the DNC and Podesta were hacked by Russia and dumped by Wikileaks, where's the remaining anti-Trump/GOP stuff? All of the hacks against Rs like Pence & Rubio, or the RNC etc.? Etc..? Where it at? Ruh roh, we're not seeing it dumped!

We know Putin wanted to hurt Clinton and help Trump. But until the Republican side of the kompromat emerges, we'd be naive to think it's been dormant all this time. Russia is much more likely to have that (plus other espionage we aren't aware of) in play as we speak..

There's a reason why Trump filled his whole cabinet with billionaire loyalists, and it's not because they're qualified for their respective positions. I maintain that lots of laundered Russian shell company money is being mixed in the coffers of these Cabinet members. If America were emulating Russia, these are the oligarchs. They give the president a piece.

Next, consider the CEOs and manufacturers. Trump has had them over to the White House early and often. They do photo ops and make Trump look like he's busy doing the country a favor dialing back regulations. The CEOs get legislature they want passed, like Dow Chemical's people-killing pesticide, or Carl Icahn's millions of dollars made overnight. If America were emulating Russia, these are the corrupt business leaders. They give the president a piece.

Then we have the rapid erosion of Democracy. Attacks against the free press, threats of harassment or legal action or violence against individual journalists to get them to cover you more favorably. State run media carries the image of a good strong leader, who is smart and energized to get things done. Fox, Breitbart, Sinclair Broadcasting, Trump's tweets, rallies, speeches. Attacks against institutions, such as courts and judges or undermining the integrity of the intelligence community, including the FBI, the NSA and CIA. If America were emulating Russia, these changes are necessary. They give the President more power and less accountability.

We also have the Congresspeople. They are clearly complicit in covering up for Trump, but their reasons behind it are still unknown. As mentioned above, the hacked kompromat hasn't shown its face anywhere in a year of more. Then there is standard corruption, but given everything we know about how Trump conducts himself, it's a fair assumption that those willing to play ball are probably more corrupt than usual. Furthermore, a handful of prominent GOP are acting in such a way that they do not fear repercussions from the law or the public, and are taking actions in Congress that are in favor of Russia and directly in violation of national security. We do not understand why many strange things are going on in Congress, but...If America were emulating Russia, these politicians aren't just more corrupt, but they're compromised as well. They give the government the appearance of legitimacy, but often conduct themselves in illegitimate ways.


In contrast to reality, let's examine some defenses being used about Russia to this day:

"This Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story." - POTUS

"I have nothing to do with Russia. I have no businesses in Russia. I have no investments in Russia..." - POTUS

"...with few exceptions." - Attorney for POTUS

"Nobody on my team had any meetings with Russians." - POTUS
07-28-2017 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
You guys have to read this...apparently, McCain really screwed them over by voting YES to bring the bill to a vote.

Consensus on that reddit thread is that because it was an amendment to a bill and not a bill itself then it can be revived at any time.
07-28-2017 , 08:59 PM
Why is Bannon next? I mean I get that Mooch dislike his ability to pleasure himself, but what else?
I thought Priebus was a way to get GOP behind Trump while Bannon was the outsider-fascist stormfronter who got Trump in the door in the first place. Why can't Kelly and Bannon work together to bomb brown people?
07-28-2017 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Maybe Trump thinks he can sue as an individual plaintiff?
He might think that, but he can't, which is why, as I said, if it exists, it's unenforceable.
07-28-2017 , 09:06 PM
I think Bannon is next because we're basically down to family, military and Tony Baloney. Ain't none of those people got time for Steve Bannon.
07-28-2017 , 09:08 PM

Podhoretz is a must follow.
07-28-2017 , 09:14 PM

Seriously, what are we missing with the MS-13 stuff? I thought ISIS was the biggest threat to America?
07-28-2017 , 09:17 PM
07-28-2017 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Joy Ann Reid is absolutely losing her **** over the fact that Mooch reports directly to POTUS instead of to the chief of staff. Like the org chart is written in stone in the constitution and Trump is pulling some sort of russian coup by doing something unorthodox here.
What's the point in having a chief of staff if he's not, you know, in charge of all the staff?
