Originally Posted by Sighsalot
amazing article, best part is it is linked as the main story on drudge which means its going to spread like wildfire. just the best people.
Bannon is the top trend on twitter and the Mooch is in the top five. This definitely breaks through.
A "problem" with this board, even though there are gradations of knowledge, is that it's read by people who follow politics closely. Most people don't. I couldn't name 5 top MLB pitchers or which teams are good this year, but there are many people who could recite MLB stats from memory. In fact, I justify wasting time with politics by avoiding sports and because, you know, it's actually important and it's an avenue into many other issues--law, history, sociology, demography, psychology, international relations, etc. However, most of US politics does not break through to the general public, except the occasional story. In this instance, maybe 5% of adults could give a general account of what a "skinny repeal" is, but probably 50% will note the crazy **** coming out of the WH and recognize it's a sign of real dysfunction.