Originally Posted by goofyballer
"I can discriminate, therefore I should"; the hottest of all takes
Not really, but if you start changing policies and spending millions of dollars every time a vocal extreme minority gets a head of steam going, you're probably going to have a bad time. There are a lot of subgroups out there who feel like the world owes them something.
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Inso is the base Trump is shoring up with the transgender stuff.
Inso, does it make you forget about Sessions or that Trump never had any ideas about healthcare and just lied to suckers who's main policy agenda is sticking it to uppity libs? How's that working out? Has to be better than having some stuck up know it all lady as president.
Not to enrage you any further, but no. I'm pretty checked out of the whole process. Dems can't get anything done. Republicans are busy getting nothing done. There's nothing to get upset about. I am not a lib, and thus not triggered about every minor faux pas or pseudo-scandal of the Trump administration. Trump is a clown, but we knew that going in so it's not a surprise. I just like popping in every once in a while. I keep thinking you guys will run out batteries, but we're 7 months in with no sign of slowing down, so I guess this is the new normal.
The federal government being handicapped is probably a good thing at the end of the day.
Meanwhile, ol' Scott Walker and his posse have secured a $10 billion dollar investment in Wisconsin by FoxConn who will be building a literal village around a 20 million sq ft factory, leading to potentially tens of thousands of new jobs. Walker4Prez2020.com
I don't blame you guys, though. I'd undoubtedly post more if HRC was in office, and you would be the ones rolling your eyes at the outrage from the right. That's just how this political internet-warrior game works. You're fighting the good fight, soldier.