Originally Posted by Riverman
I'm struggling to understand why he hasn't already fired Mueller. It's obvious he'll get away with it. GOP slappys are already laying the ground work with the "look at all his guys giving money to democrats" line, and congress critters long ago made clear they are useless in checking Daddy. And once he gets away with firing Mueller, that's gg rule of law. And not a damn thing will be done about it. I don't even know what the end result is.
He's probably some mix of dumb and overly confident that he has it under control. I suspect the increased chatter he'll fire Mueller is that the Don Jr. meeting leaks have him rattled, perhaps he's starting to hear more and piece it together that he did criminal stuff or was guilty in ways he didn't appreciate would be problematic.
One of the warning shots from the intelligence community types are that people who become co-opted can usually go for a very long time before they realize they'd been duped by Russians. In my own private experience traveling to a lot of different businesses, sometimes when you see people make mistakes or do questionable stuff, and you revisit the process that got them to really bad wrongdoing, it took people a long time to even realize they were flouting company policies or doing something that really damaged their business. "I didn't think THAT would happen" or "I didn't think THAT would really matter" despite the fact the company had a policy to prevent just that from happening.
None of this is to apologize for Trump, like in a "pity his ignorance" kind of way. That's not what I mean. But I could honestly buy the story that he's just now starting to figure out that whatever skeletons are in his closet leave him or his family or whoever more criminally culpable than he realized before, or he's realizing that nothing was done as surreptitiously as he thought, and so the urgency to fire Mueller is greater. He may have spent the last month or two assuming he was more innocent than he was or that he couldn't really get caught or didn't realize this deal and that deal were criminal, or were meant to co-opt him. He's a dumb narcissist, he probably thought he magically talked Russians into handing him this sweetheart deal or that great price for this real estate or this great interest rate for debt and all he had to do was take them up on their suggestion to let Manafort be his campaign manager, what a bargain.
I mean in the end: who knows. But I can buy the trope that Trump is a moron and his haphazard strategies and timing of political maneuvers are because he is very slow to process information or recognize even simple facts.
Last edited by DVaut1; 07-21-2017 at 10:21 AM.