Originally Posted by danspartan
It's a rigged game. There is a club of professional board members that are CEOs of a company also. I sit on your board. You sit on mine. I approve your pay package. You approve mine.
How the heck did Melissa Mayer earn 300 plus million at yahoo? Guys lose hundreds of millions by mismanagement and walk away with obscene fortunes.
Yeah, this is the problem exactly. These CEO's are not worth what they are being paid, the game is absolutely rigged. I'm not even saying the CEO's can't still be rich, hell set the multiplier at 500x, whatever, just something more than the obscene money they make now compared to their lowest paid workers.
Edit: It is also obscene that they make so much money while society in general has to subsidize their workforce (since if they'r enot getting a living wage they're getting public benefits).