Originally Posted by bobman0330
Consider for a moment just how stupid the idea of a nationwide $15/hour minimum wage is. There are entire states whose per capita income is less than a $15/hour minimum wage. The *only* reason to believe that a $15 national minimum wage wouldn't be an economic disaster is naive extrapolation of studies, themselves contested, of much smaller changes. And yet, that's a universally held tenet of the New New Left.
I most recently listened to Chapo's first post-election episode which featured a cathartic tear-into-Hillary-for-everything rant, and most of it was on point but one of their complaints was - and this was, like, the entire burn/point being made to indict her lack of progressivism - "she wouldn't even say yes to a $15 minimum wage". It seems like a bit of a blind spot for the far left, because
the most liberal cities in the country, you know, the ones that are crazy expensive to live in, are barely at $15 (SF just hit $14 and will be $15 in a year w/ yearly CPI increases to follow, I think Seattle is $15 now? Berkeley, always a barometer of the far left zeitgeist, will be $15 next October).
If these cities with a high cost of living and super liberal governments can barely get $15 done, how in the **** do you convince bumble**** rural Ohio to do this? Do the economics even make sense in the cheaper places in the country? There was grumbling
in San Francisco about restaurants closing and **** when they had to pay their waiters $15/hr, and what do you think they charge for food here versus out in the sticks?