Originally Posted by Clovis8
Trump and his team are perfect falsification machines. You always eliminate one possibility from any discussion as being true. Whatever they are asserting.
Not sure I love this heuristic. The last gasp defense of the defenders on the SS Trumptanic is, for instance, that Trump has never been directly implicated in any collusion with the Russians. However, when you point out to the Trumpkins or Trumpkin lites that AFTER Don Jr. took the meeting with that Russian lawyer lady, Trump went to press conferences and started saying stuff like "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing" and was promising to have a big press conference reveal of Hillary Clinton dirt, we're told that's the sarcastic jokester Trump, not the honest one. But if you just take Trump at his word, that he's being brutally honest, that he literally expected to soon have a bunch of dirt about Clinton delivered to him and he really wanted the Russians to find the emails, then we have a far more coherent picture of a guy who sometimes lies blatantly and sometimes speaks to a blunt and stark reality. Just depends on his whims and what he wants.
So I think we do sometimes have to take him at his word.