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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-02-2017 , 01:03 AM
Article on Flynn's worldview.
02-02-2017 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by chytry
This kind of 'You have a different opinion; therefore, you are a racist' idiocy is one of the reasons why the evangelical fundamentalists have so much power.
Oh so close.

The correct answer is "'you have a different opinion; therefore, you are a racist' idiocy is why Trump won". We have some parting gifts for you.

Thanks for playing Fun and Facism
02-02-2017 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Military people,

How unusual?

Isn't this partisan/political and something the military isn't supposed to do on duty like that?
It's definitely unprofessional at the very least. Given the recent reports of SEALs committing war crimes, it's not surprising. Also several years ago some marine sniper unit got in trouble for posing for a photo with a nazi SS flag. Not sure what specific regulation this would violate though. Soldiers aren't suppose to attend political events in uniform, or even wear their uniform outside of work tbh.

Those are also not surplus. The video shows a convoy and they are all SOF variant humvees.
02-02-2017 , 01:21 AM
Meh, with the gorsuch stuff, i'm willing to mostly give people a pass for what they did when they were young and dumb.

I certainly held a lot of absurd and horrible views when I was younger.
02-02-2017 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by GMan42
Any new coal plant's gonna be 98% automated anyway. The'll be standing there watching the two guys in the county with college degrees go inside every day to supervise the machines while they stand there trying to figure out how it's still Obama's fault.
And then head home to drink their freshly poisoned water!
02-02-2017 , 01:25 AM
I don't know if this was discussed but Puzder has not turned in any of his paperwork to even be confirmed plus has not had an FBI background check.
02-02-2017 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by chytry
This kind of 'You have a different opinion; therefore, you are a racist' idiocy is one of the reasons why the evangelical fundamentalists have so much power.
I do happen to think that people who disagree with me as to whether they are spouting racism are racists. But if we disagree with me on whether hero should have value bet the river, I will not call you racist.
02-02-2017 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by JPantz
They wanted to wait for more intel but Trump said f it.
Do you have a source for this?

Originally Posted by microbet
Military people,

How unusual?

Isn't this partisan/political and something the military isn't supposed to do on duty like that?
Yes, and those clowns know better. Know a lot of active-duty military people, so far have been impressed with how non-partisan they have been in accordance with longstanding traditions.

I'm much more worried about the police agencies across the US who have been more or less explicitly pro-Trump. CBP willing to defy court orders has been a hugely under-reported story. If they can detain legal residents at the border with impunity, they can do whatever the **** they want to any of us at any time.
02-02-2017 , 01:31 AM
Wait, did we poison the water supply?

Yeah, this morning.

Oh, cool. Goodnight, Donnie.

Goodnight, Stevie. <smooch>
02-02-2017 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Military people,

How unusual?

Isn't this partisan/political and something the military isn't supposed to do on duty like that?
Strictly speaking it's against the rules. No one is likely to care since it isn't election season.
02-02-2017 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Yes, and those clowns know better. Know a lot of active-duty military people, so far have been impressed with how non-partisan they have been in accordance with longstanding traditions. I'm much more worried about the police agencies across the US who have been more or less explicitly pro-Trump.
Yeah. But, at least in some places (many big cities) the Police Chief and the Mayor are going to be less Trumpy.
02-02-2017 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by DeroDeniro
I accidentally put a plastic bottle in the non-recycling trash today. Then I thought to myself, "Well Trump's president now so what does it matter."
I had a pretty good crush on Elizabeth Shue when I was younger.
02-02-2017 , 01:40 AM
Opposing Trump should be the easiest thing in world for the democratic party, how do they still manage to look bad?
02-02-2017 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by chytry
This kind of 'You have a different opinion; therefore, you are a racist' idiocy is one of the reasons why the evangelical fundamentalists have so much power.
You have been following this 4.5k post thread closely enough to jump in at the exact moment when your Islamic hate boner was somewhat on topic, but have offered not one single opinion about any other issue re: the Trump administration. **** off.
02-02-2017 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Yeah. But, at least in some places (many big cities) the Police Chief and the Mayor are going to be less Trumpy.
In some places, but like NYPD was already so fascist that even DBJ disowned them and that was before Blue Lives Matter. Lots of faith in the professionalism of the military, zero faith in the guys patrolling your streetcorner.
02-02-2017 , 01:47 AM
Did we kill that 8 year old Yemeni bitch?


02-02-2017 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by DeroDeniro
I accidentally put a plastic bottle in the non-recycling trash today. Then I thought to myself, "Well Trump's president now so what does it matter."
Homeless people fish all those out anyway.
02-02-2017 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Wait, did we poison the water supply?

Yeah, this morning.

Oh, cool. Goodnight, Donnie.

Goodnight, Stevie. <smooch>
02-02-2017 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
In some places, but like NYPD was already so fascist that even DBJ disowned them and that was before Blue Lives Matter. Lots of faith in the professionalism of the military, zero faith in the guys patrolling your streetcorner.
Ok, maybe just in California.

Los Angeles police were HORRIBLE before the '92 riots, but have reformed a bunch. Charlie Beck seems ok and Eric Garcetti is at least somewhat of a BOSS.

The cops on the beat though? I'm sure they're mostly Trumpers and undisciplined. They went nuts and started shooting little old lady newspaper carriers who they thought were Christopher Dorner. I'm counting on the leadership.
02-02-2017 , 01:54 AM
This former NSA dude has seemed to me to be on the more conservative side as far as hyperbole goes. Maybe someone else is more familiar with him.

02-02-2017 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Ok, maybe just in California.

Los Angeles police were HORRIBLE before the '92 riots, but have reformed a bunch. Charlie Beck seems ok and Eric Garcetti is at least somewhat of a BOSS.

The cops on the beat though? I'm sure they're mostly Trumpers. I'm counting on the leadership.
Dude, LA cops still awful. See that whole baca debacle.
02-02-2017 , 02:13 AM
Devos seems pretty unpopular especially among women and teachers in my neck of the woods, and my neck of the woods unfortunately is overrun with trumpkins. It's funny that for all these women chiming in on my social media etc, this is the straw for them.
02-02-2017 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Dude, LA cops still awful. See that whole baca debacle.
I do think the Sheriffs have a worse reputation in the street, and I'm sure in the jails things are really bad. But, Baca did end up on trial and a couple deputies have been convicted. That's a lot more than most cities can say about their problem cops.

LA cops are having a ton of trouble with homeless people and LA cops have shot a bunch of other people too. But, we haven't had riots about it unlike other places because, imo, the police have done a bit better job with community relations and accountability.

It's all relative though and you can still fairly call it all awful.
02-02-2017 , 02:28 AM

Is this news? I don't know anymore.
02-02-2017 , 02:34 AM
It should be. **** is scary tbh. Terrifying.
