Originally Posted by Gizmo
ONLy when it's daddy doing it. If it was anyone with a D next to their name, he'd be calling for execution.
But also, inso... dinosaurs... lol ever taking a word he says seriously again.
You too now? C'mon now, you're probably better than that.
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
lol is he one of those young earth creationists who dispute the existence of dinosaurs, or think humans walked alongside them 5000 years ago or some ****?
My stance on Dinosaurs: Fascinating creatures, and most certainly existed. No question.
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Don't you present yourself as a serious, devout Christian? Am I remembering that right? This is disgraceful, dude. Just stop.
You are not, no. I have far more exposure to Christianity than most people who try to paint me as a bible thumper, though. That's really all it takes to fit the bill, I think. Calling me a serious, devout Christian would be a big insult to actual devout Christians, I think.
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
if a 15-year-old girl emails you saying she's super hot and will have sex with you, you drive to her house and check it out!
or do you restrain yourself because some things, even if they sound great in the moment, are illegal?
Not really the same thing, but I understand your point. That said, does this 15 year old girl have the keys to the oval office in her underwear? I think you'll find the number of people who suddenly justify their actions goes up significantly in that case.
Age of consent is 15 in Mexico, right?
Modern politics is all about justifying things that other people think is JUST THE WORST.
But in all seriousness, it sounds like you have collectively cobbled together an answer to the original question.
We care about this because the guy in the original e-mail hinted that this info would've come directly from the Russian government, and a good American citizen immediately would've remembered that any info gained would be in violation of statute 52 USC 30121, 36 USC 510 and thus not acted on it. Even if said info would've assisted his father in winning the most polarizing national election in decades. Got it. I'm on the same page now.
Where do I sign up for the 2+2 High Horse Club?