Originally Posted by dinopoker
Not that I am any McMullin fan but I think you're a little off base here. Sure there was lots of shady stuff going on in the anti-terrorism effort over there, but there's a far cry from being one of the active participants in the torture and detainment stuff and just being someone who did their job with respect to indexing and analyzing the intelligence information that was gained while keeping your head down and letting the 'hard' guys do their thing. I mean, just because someone doesn't resign in protest doesn't mean that everyone working with and around them approved of all of that nefarious conduct.
Painting all CIA agents as questionable because of the actions of just a few is inappropriate -- especially since even the guys who were doing the really bad stuff were apparently told by the CIA and DOJ lawyers that what they were doing was legal. The whole thing was a cluster**** for sure, but most of the blame lies way at the top, not with the guys down on the ground. Just my two cents.
For one, this is a classic Nuremberg Defense where the blame is "way at the top" (where? who at the top faced justice? What does McMullin think about bringing them to justice?). The fact that a person acted pursuant to order a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law and we all retain moral choices.
But two: you can't have it both ways, claiming "the whole thing was a cluster****" where blame goes all the way around and then up to the top, but then people who continue to defend the institution and work for the institution are blameless. If your institution is in gross violation of international law, ****ing the laws of nature, you admit the whole thing is a cluster****, what's the justification for continuing? Like when we **** up in my business, we might issue a client a credit and our **** ups don't involve war crimes. People who hold immense power and wield it should be held to high standards. If it was a huge cluster****, show me the recompense. Show me justice. Show me pleas for forgiveness.
I'd even be nice and give the guy an out! Can he come home and show contrition?
As I said, I'd hear McMullin out but from what I remember he was wishy washy, basically saying he didn't torture anyone, he was aware of things reported in the news but it's all classified so he can't talk about it, and when asked about waterboarding -- called it a grey area.
So: Not going to sing that guy's praises. I've been careful, I'm not going to call the guy a scumbag because obviously I don't and can't possess all the facts about scenarios which necessarily exist behind a big wall of classification but what I have heard from McMullin wasn't reassuring and I find the left's willingness to aggrandize him bordering on reckless.