Originally Posted by simplicitus
Now, on can quibble around the edges here and there, but the point is that 'western values' are not exactly under threat. In fact, the only people who have justified fear for the future of their ideas or way of life are those cultures that depend on things like religion, castes, monarchy, racial superiorority, etc., because they are genuinely screwed and will naturally produce dead enders to fight a war that was lost as soon as it began.
Originally Posted by microbet
That's very optimistic talk for having just elected Trump.
Originally Posted by zikzak
simplicitus is a very optimistic chap. Wish I could take a few hits of what he's smoking.
I don't think he's exactly wrong and I'm a pretty pessimistic guy these days.
I've said it before but the long-term ascendant winner here is capitalism and market orthodoxy. Long term for as long as most of us have been living -- THAT'S the ascendant power right now. EVEN after Trump, particularly since Trump will knowingly or unknowingly further its interests anyway -- the long term value set that is winning over the past 75 years or so are those values that comport with the interests of finance capitalism.
Once we acknowledge that as ~basically true, you can make predictions from there as to what the future holds without drastic, revolutionary changes if we continue on our ~present course. And I mean drastic changes far more disruptive than Trump.
So take values that assist markets like market rights egalitarianism (e.g., allowing blacks, gay people, women, etc. to participate fully in the market, in labor, as consumers) -- there's no way those are going to be rolled back meaningfully. I do think the days of the whites-only lunch counter are gone; stories about gay people in cinema and theater are here to stay. Gay people are going to continue to be welcomed as co-workers and in our stores and the backwaters where that isn't true -- they're fast disappearing. Women are going to own businesses and control a lot of wealth. Predictions that portend a return to feudalism or whatever I think are way off the mark.
Now, once you get beyond market rights and into a wider array of social and political dignities -- that's a far dicier proposition.
Similarly, take science. That will have a set of dual fates, imo.
Science in service of technology and markets will be here to stay and is here to stay. Science that builds to conclusions that actively harm or impede markets (see global warming, emerging research about animal sentience and how they feel pain, etc.) are going to be met with reflexive doubt, with superstitious assumptions, with appeals to traditional values and the old order, with censorship, with propaganda campaigns that are allowed to flourish in spite of science.
How many vibrant small-l liberal democratic rights will survive? Hard to say. Obviously some measure of authoritarianism or rolling back tax-and-redistribution schemes which provide economic sustenance to people who can't or don't produce that much -- those laws and that money doesn't service capital and they are certainly on the chopping block. Certainly some forms of censorship are entirely useful to markets, and I expect to see those sorts of freedoms rolled back to a degree.
Religion and traditional order that questions any sort of consumption or inhibition of the human impulse -- e.g., religious norms against gambling or usury or conspicuous consumption -- those are going to be eroded further.
I am very very dour about the changes of the full menu of "Western values" but whichever ones are servile to capitalism are a fantastic bet to survive. Any sort of value set that assumes all humans have dignity, even poor people, or that cherishes any sort of old religious norm or standard that impedes capitalism -- those are probably going to get continual boots to the face.
Western value are an eclectic mix of stuff that abet capitalism and impede capitalism and I think if we sort those values by "service to capital and markets," you'll get the ~proper ordering of which will thrive and which will continue to be assaulted.
Last edited by DVaut1; 07-07-2017 at 07:31 AM.