Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
Someone who will neither commit to "there is a good" or "there is no god" is an agnostic, not an atheist.
+1, as an "apathetic agnostic" I don't know and I don't care-except that my life and world is completely disrupted by those that think they know and take care to enforce their beliefs on everyone else.
And really, most agnostics are just trying to be polite to their religious friends. There is no empirical way to "know", no actual evidence, the simplest explanation is no god. When pushed, I'm an atheist.
Surprisingly, it seems that the average non-religious person is more "moral" (definition--assigning the same rights to others as to oneself) that the self-proclaimed morality police whose primary mission is to de-humanize groups of people, to make them "lesser" and therefore unworthy of equal treatment.