Originally Posted by cuserounder
The GOP doesn't want people to die, the GOP simply prioritizes other things over preventing avoidable deaths... To them, a tax cut to the 1% is more important than avoiding 15,000 to 20,000 deaths per year. To them, keeping military spending high to benefit defense contractors is worth the deaths caused by the ongoing conflicts they must stoke to keep that machine churning. To them, the people that suffer in poverty and perhaps die younger because they don't make a living wage are simply not as important as the aforementioned tax cuts and preserving bigger profits for businesses by letting them pay their workers less.
I am sure that if the GOP could have its cake and eat it too, it wouldn't want those people to die. But, that's not the way the world works... and their priorities are clear.
Im glad you also recognize that they dont want poor ppl to die. It would be awfully odd if that were the case, i would imagine psychologists would have to throw all their books in the trash and rethink everything.
However i dont think they necessarily "care" about the rich in particular. Now first i will say that yes there is a substantial element of corruption in the US, so certainly one could think that both the republicans and democrats do policies that favor business more than individuals more than non corrupt politicians would do. However if we try to look outside of corruption. For example in my country the politicians are highly non-corrupt, and its still impossible for the left and the right wing to understand whats wrong with the other side.
I think many of the GOP policies are there because they want to protect or defend or strenghten a number of their favorite traditions, institutions norms and values. So for example i suspect that they think that giving free money to single mothers will weaken the tradition of the core-family (thats a term), the traditional familty, and the institution of marriage. They might believe that single mothers are incentiviced to remain single if they are given free money, or at least dont feel the pressures of getting a man and marry.
Another example, the working class whites are raging because alot of welfare clients have "given up" and are still able to have almost the same standard of living as themselves. Therefore the white workers will expand their identity by hugging the norm of "hard work" to show their disgust and distinguish themselves from those who have "given up". Many of them claim that they could just as easilty get access to the welfare goods these people have by "givng up" themselves, they know how "easy" this is, somehow.
And also i will say that a substantial part will be about Xenophobia. Like i have explained in a post a few pages down, alot of people get consumed by fear when their neighbourhoods undergo drastic demographic changes, something that got started pretty significantly in the 70s with the deindustrialization. This makes for something called welfare cauvinism, ppl are voting against their own economic interests because they want to deny the same goods to immigrants that are taking over their neighbourhoods. The power of Fear seems to be immense, there are ppl with cancer and sick family members that vote against welfare knowingly because of this (as well as the other reasons).
So outside of corruption i imagine conservatives dont actually "care" about lower taxes for the rich, everyone understands that the rich has enough, its more that they very often think that giving away free stuff will weaken a number of traditions, etc in society. Therefore the result is often tax breaks, but that doesnt mean that the tax break was the goal, the goal was all these other things.
And let me also add that this is just my best theories to date. There is something that is called the empathy gap in politics. It means that the two sides just cant understand why the other side is doing what they do, we cant emphatize with them. But i have come to understand that there are differences in the heads of liberals and conservatives, particularly our morals works differently and theres not really anything we can do about that.