Originally Posted by Rococo
Trump didn't retweet the .gif. I have no idea where he got it from, even assuming this jackass created it. For all I know, it was imbedded in 200 different twitter feeds by the time it came to Trump's attention.
But my main point is that CNN should not be devoting resources to reporting on the posting of some idiot on reddit, much less devoting resources to trying to influence his behavior (which won't work) or making editorial decisions based on whether the idiot makes some public show of contrition.
Resources CNN devoted: maybe an hour on google/FB by a smart internet savvy reporter, Andrew Kaczynski.
Ways in which CNN "tried to influence his behavior": none. He apologized before returning CNNs call to confirm his identity (which is completely standard for reporters).
Why CNN would be interested in his identity: He's an alt right guy with a history of white nationalist posting, including against CNN itself (identifying Jews who work for CNN), and who was retweeted by the President. The retweet alone is newsworthy, so is the fact that he is posting anti-semitic memes. Maybe just the CNN wrestling post alone is not, thankfully the 1st Amendment makes no distinction.
As for the "editorial decision". CNN very likely planned to publish his name. And the guy begged not to have his name released, CNN said. "Ok, we'll be super nice and not publish your name, but all bets are off if you're just bull****ting us with your fake apology. Again, this is after the guy "outed" a list of Jews who work at CNN.
Now, as a matter of optics, because it obviously confuses white nationalists who want their inflammatory and racist internet post to remain anonymous and are ashamed that one of their own folded like a little ***** when he was found out, CNN could have just said, "We've decided not to publish his name at this time." This would have had exactly the same practical meaning of what they did publish, but it would have removed the ability of people like Ted Cruz to disingenuously claim CNN was "blackmailing" him.