Originally Posted by campfirewest
I think it depends on the issue. Social stuff like gay marriage has certainly shifted left. Economic and military issues have shifted right.
Yeah, this. We were talking about Wall St./economics stuff. And it's obviously true. Top tax rates in the 60s were 70%+, Glass-Steagall repealed in 1999, Welfare Reform, Deregulation of: telecommunications, thrifts (banking), commodities, interstate banking, voluntary regulation of investment banks on reserves, etc.
The fact that the Dems got to the point with Obama where they were ready to support something like the health care plan that Nixon proposed isn't a great indication that we haven't moved to the right.
On social issues, it's pretty deceptive if you look at things like The New Jim Crow, but yeah, the US is more liberal socially than it was in 1960. Compared to 1970, yeah, probably, but it might be a bit of a mixed bag there.
Military is a pretty mixed bag. 40 years ago was part of a very narrow window when we were pretty dejected militarily after Vietnam, but the wars in Central America were just about to get rolling and boy were we right-wing there.