Originally Posted by Clovis8
Trump is not using a new strategy. It is a well established propaganda technique. We know what it is and how to resist it. Simply ignore the distractions and focus on the issues.
Yeah, the problem is that distraction propaganda works.
The media is never going to ignore the distractions. Too hard to get that many people on board. Too easy to watch the show. And, at the end of the day, it's good for the bottom line.
The one group of people who could
maybe help shift the narrative is Democratic leaders. In particular, the next Democratic nominee must resist the temptation to spend time on these circus antics. And -- this part is critical -- he/she should chide the media for doing it.
"Why are we spending so much time talking about Trump's childish tweets? He's trying to distract us. Let's talk about things people really care about, like the economy."
History shows the way to beat authoritarian figures like Trump is to focus relentlessly on policy. But it's not as easy as it seems.