Originally Posted by Clovis8
Normally a statement by the president is meant to accomplish some policy goal of the administration. This is only true of a vanishingly small portion of Trump's tweets.
you write in another post that his tweets are unimportant and only policy statements matter or something along those lines.
policy in a vacuum is only one of the things that are interresting from a president or a person of high power. from his tweets we can infer what his convictions are, who does he concider his friends and enemies, how does he perceive the world around him and who does he perceive himself to be. everything he outputs is information that we use to extrapolate to the future or to understand him better. most official persons are trying to hide alot more of themselves from the public because its too hard to have a consistent self presentation if you share too much of yourself.
specific example,
i recently laid out a speculative argument that trumps mental state was in decline and he might be uncapable of sitting through his full term. one of my reasons backing this argument was joe and mika recently pointed out that they had seen marked difference in trumps cognitive ability the past two years. but this argument of mine was challenged by a couple of persons, one of them Trolley who points out that there is recently broken out heavily strained relation at the top of society, namely between joe&mika and trump himself, and therefore joe and mikas evaluation of trumps cognitive abilities should be discredited and be taken with a grain of salt.
this is an example of where we learn something about the presidents relations to other prominent individuals in society through his tweets and use this information to guide our arguments about his (mental) health and therefore about his ability to remain in power.
so his tweets might look very dumb to us at a first glance but they inform us in ways that we might not always be fully concious about.