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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-27-2017 , 08:08 PM
Have yet to speak to a single person in Europe who thinks Trump is a good President.
06-27-2017 , 08:34 PM
Can't link it but wapo or nyt had a headline of "Trump lawyer tweets picture of daughter in lingerie"

Like lawyer like client
06-27-2017 , 08:35 PM

Just the leader of the free world interrupting a call with a foreign leader to hit on the foreign press. She was wise to quickly get back out of pussy grabbing range.
06-27-2017 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Can't link it but wapo or nyt had a headline of "Trump lawyer tweets picture of daughter in lingerie"

Like lawyer like client
She's apparently a model and he was promoting her IG account, which is a little weird given his position/prominence politically, but I don't really think it's fair to go after him for it... The actual weird part was when a user called it "spank-bank material," and his response was, "Jealous?"
06-27-2017 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
It's astounding how divorced from reality Americans are.

I wonder if it's always been like this and it's just more obvious now than in the past.
06-27-2017 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
It's astounding how divorced from reality people are.

I wonder if it's always been like this and it's just more obvious now than in the past.
It has always been like this, only even when we put a bad prez in the WH he's been at least somewhat competent and educated.
06-27-2017 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
Just the leader of the free world interrupting a call with a foreign leader to hit on the foreign press. She was wise to quickly get back out of pussy grabbing range.
I imagine Trump gets bored quickly on those calls a lot of the time, especially with relative small-fry like Ireland.
06-27-2017 , 08:55 PM
Haha Chris Collins stock went to $0.04. 17 milly gonzo bro.
06-27-2017 , 08:59 PM
So they have repeated the fake news lines enough that it has no meaning.
06-27-2017 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Have yet to speak to a single person in Europe who thinks Trump is a good President.
I assume it's like America and the few Trump supporters who exist in Europe all live in rural areas.
06-27-2017 , 09:03 PM
06-27-2017 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Haha Chris Collins stock went to $0.04. 17 milly gonzo bro.
"The congressman reportedly encouraged a number of his fellow Republican lawmakers to invest in the company, and secured them access to discounted shares (this was the point that Tom Price misled the Senate about during his confirmation hearings). Then, Collins helped craft legislation that expedited the FDA’s approval process — a reform that directly benefited Innate, which was working to get its wares onto the U.S. market."

hahahahahahaha. Oh right they're still all multi millionaires Variance :/
06-27-2017 , 09:08 PM
So today's big news is one R is up $17 million and some other R is down $17 million? Seems like that adds up to zero. No story!
06-27-2017 , 09:41 PM
rachel maddow pointedly asked mark warner if he has the staff on his committee available to investigate the many many russia ties and he got really red and talked about other stuff. all the eggs are in muller's basket
06-27-2017 , 09:44 PM
so is there a Trump comic book out yet? Not even a documentary? I thought this whole thing might have inspired some great art.
06-27-2017 , 09:52 PM
There will be novels and biographies and histories and plays and film documentaries and dramas and comedies and music too. And if you didn't live through it you'll be like wtf, lol. I hope.
06-27-2017 , 09:59 PM
06-27-2017 , 10:10 PM
Your pony was paid off.
06-27-2017 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
This is not a problem exclusive to America though you probably want to think that your own is immune from it.
06-27-2017 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
So Brits spell it "colour", and we Americans spell it "color". When their police lose control, people aimlessly wander around yelling and spitting, and when our police lose control innocent people get shot 72 times on video so 12 jurors can watch it and unanimously say "whatevs". I quite enjoy the subtle differences between our cultures.

Last edited by Thug Bubbles; 06-27-2017 at 11:00 PM.
06-27-2017 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
This is not a problem exclusive to America though you probably want to think that your own is immune from it.
Sure we have some of it but no where in the ballpark of the US. Here it is a tiny, marginalized and totally ignored minority. In the US it represents a huge portion of your population and the entirety of one of your two parties. You are the only first world nation which debates abortion, climate change, gay rights or healthcare as if these are unsettled issues.
06-27-2017 , 11:15 PM
On msnbc they're implying Trump doesn't realize the tax implications of the health bill. I mean I have no trouble believing he doesn't know dick about the health bill or much else, but wow.
06-27-2017 , 11:19 PM
It must get lonely in the Oval Office...

06-27-2017 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
On msnbc they're implying Trump doesn't realize the tax implications of the health bill. I mean I have no trouble believing he doesn't know dick about the health bill or much else, but wow.
They must have been referring to this.
06-27-2017 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
"The congressman reportedly encouraged a number of his fellow Republican lawmakers to invest in the company, and secured them access to discounted shares (this was the point that Tom Price misled the Senate about during his confirmation hearings). Then, Collins helped craft legislation that expedited the FDA’s approval process — a reform that directly benefited Innate, which was working to get its wares onto the U.S. market."

hahahahahahaha. Oh right they're still all multi millionaires Variance :/
They're running pump and dump scams on each other ffs

I'm gonna go watch Boiler Room again
