Originally Posted by Minirra
I used to joke about this and also the possibility of creating conspiracy sites. I'm not joking anymore and having some discussions with an SEO friend and a couple of content writers about it now
Actually the really next level play would be to do this, and then use the funding to try and create an even more right wing party than the current GOP (maybe even an actual Tea Party) that serves as a catchall for the current alt right populists and the racist whites. Not only is there a lot of money there but the best part is it could split the right wing vote and open up a lot of opportunities for Dems to win in some heavily right wing areas.
We actually saw this in my province in Canada last year. The Conservative party ruled here for 50 years or so with hardly any challengers, a near monopoly. But then suddenly within the last 8 or 9 years they got attacked from the right by a party called the Wildrose, who gained a lot of traction and momentum, especially from the rural areas. It all culminated in an election where those two parties split the right vote and allowed the NDP, which is even more left than Trudeau's Liberals, to win a majority government. Be great to see the same thing happen in, say, Kansas or Kentucky or somewhere like that.