Originally Posted by Clovis8
If Kennedy retires tomorrow waaf is the only logical response. It will be the death knell of progressive politics for a generation.
Sadly, it really matters little, because he's either going to retire tomorrow, or retire next year. He's not making it to the next Presidential election, and Dems have virtually no shot to take the Senate in 2018 based on the map anyway, so there's basically no way to stop Trump from getting another one on.
The only two hopes liberals have:
- Trump and his nutty Cabinet are dumb enough to pick a complete extremist like Bill Pryor, and 3 or 4 Republicans (Collins, Murkowski, Portman, Heller?) are sensible enough to vote against him;
- Trump gets someone on, but no major cases involving abortion/religious freedom/gay rights make their way through the lower courts prior to January, 2021. Democrat wins the WH, and one of Alito/Thomas/Gorsuch drops dead of a sudden heart attack, and Dem picks their replacement
Otherwise, progressives have to sit back and take it as America socially and culturally becomes the only 1st world nation to move backwards.