Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Broken pony and all that, but I just read this this morning and found it quite affecting. Thanks for posting so candidly and I hope things work out OK in the end.
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
I'm truly sorry that this has happened to you.
That is what I fully expect to happen if I ever get into an in-depth political discussion with my mother nowadays. In the past (prior to Trump inauguration), it would be that I pin her on something clearly wrong, prove it to be wrong, and her responding that it doesn't change her mind despite how utterly wrong she is.
Now I honestly don't know what to expect if I breach that topic ever again. Probably best just to bury that topic in the ground until she dies. My sisters have done that.
Update: I just apologized to her for yelling and she apologized to me for the same. Great, right?
Now for the dark cloud to this silver lining...
Nothing was resolved. ZERO. Now there are just a bunch of off limit topics, negatively affecting the both of us, that we have to tiptoe around to avoid all sorts of conflict, and that list of topics is steadily growing.