Originally Posted by Lestat
My personal prediction:
Trump did nothing illegal during the campaign. He had no part in colluding with Russia or altering election results.
He will also not be indicted for obstruction. I don't even think he meant to obstruct. I think it was simply his normal thin skinned reaction to anything he views as a veiled attack. He hits back twice as hard as he's hit. It's entirely possible in my mind that he had nothing to do with collusion and still fired Comey just because he didn't like the narrative.
In short, I think Trump is too dumb and simple minded to be guilty of pulling off any sophisticated political crimes. I think the investigation will clear him of any of this.
However, his financial matter are an entirely different story. If not his businesses directly, then certainly associates around him have almost certainly engaged in money laundering with Russia and/or other foreign countries. I've said it since the beginning that if he ever gets brought down, it will be through financial ties. It's also almost certain that he's got loans from Russian oligarchs and can be compromised. Lastly, he has to be in violation of at least one or many emolument clauses. If he gets ousted from office, it will have to be from this.
I'm just putting this here in writing to see how close I was when it all comes down.
tldr; Trump will be cleared of any criminal wrong doing with Russia/campaign issues. But he or members of his inner circle will be brought down by illicit financial dealings.
Damn. I agree with a lot of this.
I think Trump, or at least Trump's people, are smart enough to keep him out of anything that would directly tie him to Rusher interference in the election. It is entirely possible that someone from the campaign colluded, but there is probably plenty of plausible deniability. Surely he learned a lesson from his br0 Chris Christie.
I think what he is most worried about is precisely the financial stuff, which also helps explain his refusal to release his tax returns.
(That said, IF Flynn/Kush/others talked sanctions with Rusher before he took office, they almost certainly had Trump's tacit approval to do so...there's literally no way they do any of that on their own)