Originally Posted by simplicitus
Listen, the Republicans will not impeach for most run of the mill things that can be "plausibly" argued both ways, even if they should, but in any of the scenarios you're envisioning impeachment would be a foregone conclusion.
Few have more contempt for the GOP than me, but most are patriots and believe that are doing what's best. The problem is that they are largely deluded about things more complex than, "this is a horse," "this is green," etc. Don't fool yourself, many Republicans are very worried about Trump, as his meltdown could mean the death of the party, at least in current incarnation, but the divisions in the country are nowhere near where they were around the time of the civil war, where the North literally made much of the wealth in the South, and the way of life of most of the aristocracy, illegal. That's high stakes. This is just a buffoon carnival-barking conman funded by some rich people (and, perhaps, some foreign powers) and supported by racists and morons. Read some history.
I think a lot of people have more contempt for them.
I suspect many of them believe in anthropogenic global warming and steps could be taken to mitigate the effects but are unwilling to do so because it would alienate their donors and/or personally cost them money despite the fact that millions of people will be harmed.
I suspect than many of them believe that cutting back on health care will cause hundreds of thousands of extra deaths, but push for it because it will save them and their donors money.
I'm sure that many of them believe that immigration from Mexico is a net positive to our economy and essential for many large American businesses, but cynically promote anti-immigration because culture wars are the mechanism for winning a constituency that has interests which are generally opposed to the GOP's.
In general I think they are doing what's best for themselves and that's it. I don't see how it can be described as patriots doing what they think is generally good. I'm sure many of them are nice to hang out with and decent to their families and probably some are even generally good people, but ignorant and/or stupid. But, mostly they're bad.
I'm talking about politicians there. Voters skew more towards ignorant/tribal/not so bright and less towards evil, but plenty of aholes in the base as well.