Originally Posted by Lestat
Correct. And the Deputy AG still isn't required to fire him. He can refuse and get fired himself or step down. I believe this is what happened in Watergate.
It was good to hear that Rosenstein said he will not fire Mueller unless it is over a matter of legality. I heard some talk that Mueller may have had questionable contacts before being appointed. But the general consensus is that his reputation is sterling and unassailable.
I'm not sure if it wouldn't be a good thing if they asked Rosenstein to fire Mueller and just make it abundantly clear they are attempting to impede an investigation. So far, there are a ton of things we should all find very worrisome. It sure seems they have something to hide. Their total lack of concern over a foreign adversary meddling in our elections is deeply troubling. The lack of transparency over meetings and financial dealings is enough to make anyone suspicious. However, GOP has made clear they don't care about any of this! Even though they are breaking norms left and right, to my knowledge they are still able to say that there hasn't been a single shred of tangible evidence of illegal wrongdoing. It's still all smoke/no fire at this point and my concern is if there isn't some fire found soon, their witch hunt narrative will start taking over and win the day.
If I'm wrong and there IS in fact tangible evidence of active collusion with Russia or other illegal activity please list for me what it is.
Well, it should be clear to anyone that the reasons they aren't that concerned with the Russia meddling are because a) their side benefited and b) they don't really care about democracy, they only care about winning.
After all, if you look around the USA the party that is doing everything it can to rig elections, prevent people from voting, and gerrymander districts to circumvent their polling, is the GOP. Is it such a stretch to believe that if those methods don't work they're not going to be willing to try hacking?