Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
lol I would argue with ultra idiotic trump supporters on the Joe Rogan forums. Obviously that user base believes strongly in supporting marijuana laws not being overturned or superceded. However when I would mention sessions will screw then they would say "but trump said he would leave the laws the same".
Really such dimwits.
I don't use marijuana as I live in Texas but I think the national legalization of medical and recreational marijuana is a prettt important issue that ties into a lot of other things. It's not surprising that Jeff the Worst would want to roll back all the progress being made, but it is just frustrating. It's not like every time Trump or one of his staffers says or does something dumb it is ever a surprise but I still feel the same level of troublesome thoughts every time. It never gets less and I never get used to it. The idea that educated, allegedly, people, can hold such absurd views is just mind warping.
This obviously goes way beyond marijuana. I could probably list one hundred things that identify sometime as legitimately dumb just by believing. Mankind has NEVER had more access to information than they do now yet I think our relative ignorance is also at a historical high.