Takei just posted some dumb article about how much Melania's move is costing taxpayers:
just ****ing STOP with this ****, please. One - it's not a big ****ing deal. It's actually the one reasonable thing this first family has done.
Two - it plays directly into the republican strategy to work yourself into a frenzy over crap like this. Their strategy seems to be, pollute the conversation with as much noise as you can, distort the signal/noise ratio until voters become so worn out they don't pay attention anymore or stop caring completely. This **** plays so, so much into that.
If Obama and the first family had done something similar, these same people would have no issues with it. Analyze everything from that perspective and try not to sound just ****ing like a trumpkin in the things you work yourself up about.
JESUS. I don't know why this triggers me so bad, I'm seeing it EVERYWHERE on my feed today. There's so much actual evil **** being done that this takes attention away from.