Originally Posted by Riverman
Whoever the **** is in charge of messaging for the Democrats should be taken out back. We are right on literally every single issue! Look at what these *******s are pursuing:
- taking away health care for 20+ million people
- gutting environmental regulation
- gutting financial regulation
- cutting hundreds of billions of taxes for .01%
And you still lose? To that agenda?
It's because 99% of Trump's base don't understand what's going on. They quite literally think the only ones who will be losing their insurance, medicaid, welfare, etc., are the lazy black and brown people. Then when they find out "Oh, wait... You mean I'm gonna lose MY MEDICAID TOO?!", that's when they care.
Yes, "we" are right on just about every issue, but it's not "we" that need to be convinced. It's the overwhelming majority of Republicans who vote against they're interest primarily because their racist and/or think none of this is gonna effect them.
I don't know why I'm laughed at or how no one else gets this. You need to overlook their racism or whatever other shortcomings they have long enough to court their votes and educate them on what all these Trumpian consequences will mean to them personally. Once we have their votes, then we can focus on getting them to fall in line with social reforms. Otherwise, calling them names will only entrench them and by the time they figure they're part of the "you're screwed too" club it will be too late for everyone.
Last edited by Lestat; 06-08-2017 at 10:42 AM.