Originally Posted by poconoder
Its a lot easier to speculate than to produce real facts. The media has done fine with the speculation, they will struggle to convey the same Trump-is-guilty message when it comes to fact based reporting. CNN just had to issue a correction about their previous speculative reporting in light of Comey's statement.
So?? Fox has to issue at least 10 corrections a day. They just don't. A correction is a good thing because it sets the record straight. Nobody's perfect, right? Right. So deal with it every once in a while.
Also, look at what the correction is over! Whoopty do, big friggin deal. Trump does so much worse daily. Instead of calling Trump out for it, you pass the blame to the media or the left, just like Daddy taught you.
Right above the bold is talk about media speculation and a Trump-is-guilty message. You mean, you actually think it's a message? You think the news isn't reporting actual Trump moves and actual Trump words? Don't be blind. Even Trump himself confesses on TV and Twitter. Do his own words count? Because if you're defending Trump while not believing Trump, that's a whole new level of silly.