Originally Posted by Jiggymike
That said keeping focus on Russia seems fine to me, anything that causes Trump to further melt down and be unable to accomplish anything is a win.
If Russia serves to simply distract Trump and the GOP for the next 4 years then it's obviously a form of political victory. Obstruction > GOP/Trump getting everything they want.
No one should consider it ideal though, nor get wedded to it as a form of movement building or a healthy political practice. It's a kludge, a blunt instrument. It's fine for what is but we can do better, and frankly Democrats spending tons of time crafting just the most glorious unified message on Russia is imo a wasted opportunity for this moment of deep dissatisfaction with Trump. Find a message that ties Trump to the rest of the GOP, and speaks to the things that give meaning and dignity to people. I admit the Democrats and the left have made Trump a deeply unpopular boogeyman. Now leverage *that* to make progress on more important goals.
At least turn Russia into a typical Trump graft, which is actually what it is; however deep Trump and Kushner and Flynn are in bed with and indebted to the Russians, I am utterly convinced it was some scheme to enrich themselves. At least talk about that rather than prattling on about co-option and national security and framing everything like the Reagan Era Republican Party. Rather than sounding like a poor mans version of Dick Cheney and talking about Trump threatens national security interests, instead say Trump is a typical rich Republican who will do anything to make money and **** people over. Including scheme with other corrupt hustlers like Putin, who robs his people to enrich himself. It's both true and actually speaks to people in a way that flatters our pre-existing frames and links Trump to a deeper, pervasive ideological message. It's the Warren Buffet quote: there's huge class warfare going on and it's the filthy rich like Trump that are playing and winning, and remind people he's backed by a huge infrastructure, but specifically the Republican Party. Talk about that. People like ecriture d'adulte will be so sad, he won't like it one bit, be very upset, warn you they are not happy, but such is life, can't please everyone.
Last edited by DVaut1; 06-07-2017 at 08:37 PM.