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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-07-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Every Democrat on TV should be on message that Trump is guilty as hell, Comey's testimony proves it, and GOPe is covering for him because they are corrupt, partisan hacks.
Man, you guys seriously don't get what's going on in our country. You don't need more pundits attacking Trump and/or the GOP. That just STRENGTHENS Trump!

What you need are VOTERS calling their Republican representatives telling them ENOUGH is enough! The threat of losing their seats is the only way to get their attention and get them to act. Otherwise, they're perfectly willing to sit back and watch the whole **** house go up in flames if they think they can advance their agenda.
06-07-2017 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Man, you guys seriously don't get what's going on in our country. You don't need more pundits attacking Trump and/or the GOP. That just STRENGTHENS Trump!

What you need are VOTERS calling their Republican representatives telling them ENOUGH is enough! The threat of losing their seats is the only way to get their attention and get them to act. Otherwise, they're perfectly willing to sit back and watch the whole **** house go up in flames if they think they can advance their agenda.
I say this because I'm genuinely curious: why would calling them and saying that make a difference? The people who are reading your statement now, and more importantly, the people that would end up calling in are people who voted for the Dem anyways or would at least be viewed that way by that rep. They'd just say "liberal tears" while breaking out in laughter.
06-07-2017 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
There is already maximum media exposure to Trump/Russia. So the Democrats have done their job on that level. They have all the media elites attention. The world is watching.
The world was watching when he mocked a disabled reporter and picked a fight with a gold star family too.

Stop trying to import their ****ty products that they sell to tasteless idiots. We sell material economic benefits to people who don't have as many things and want more. The Republicans sell betrayal and scandal against the collective federation of white tribes. You will forever be disappointed trying to sell pulp fiction novels to people who want practical guides to better living.
The lesson to be gleaned here is that the Democrats fail miserably at sales. They couldn't sell gold American Eagles for .50 cents.
06-07-2017 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I say this because I'm genuinely curious: why would calling them and saying that make a difference? The people who are reading your statement now, and more importantly, the people that would end up calling in are people who voted for the Dem anyways or would at least be viewed that way by that rep. They'd just say "liberal tears" while breaking out in laughter.
Calling does make a difference. It gives real time feedback as to what voters expect. Why do you think so many GOP'ers cancelled town hall meetings at home? They are sick and tired of having to deal w/ voters.
06-07-2017 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I say this because I'm genuinely curious: why would calling them and saying that make a difference? The people who are reading your statement now, and more importantly, the people that would end up calling in are people who voted for the Dem anyways or would at least be viewed that way by that rep. They'd just say "liberal tears" while breaking out in laughter.
We all (I assume) have Republican friends. I sincerely think this is the only way we're gonna take the country back. The echo chamber isn't going to work. We need to get out and talk to everyone we know. Join a group (I'm looking at several now) to volunteer to reach out. I just think it's so ****ing important to start ousting Republicans wherever possible. Right down to your local dog catcher if one is on the ballot.

Dvaut is of course, right. But we, the MSM, have been aghast at this imbecile for almost two years now and just when we think GOTCHA! He can't possibly get out of this, and surely NO ONE could vote or support him now, he comes away all the stronger.
06-07-2017 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Dvaut is of course, right. But we, the MSM, have been aghast at this imbecile for almost two years now and just when we think GOTCHA! He can't possibly get out of this, and surely NO ONE could vote or support him now, he comes away all the stronger.
How is he getting stronger? His approval ratings is sub 40% again. It's sub 20% for those under 25. This Comey thing tomorrow will probably knock off another point or 2.

I think there's a lot of frustration because we are used to instant gratification now. It's been said before and it bears repeating. Stop trying to change the minds of the deplorables. They are deplorables for a reason.
06-07-2017 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
The world was watching when he mocked a disabled reporter and picked a fight with a gold star family too.

The lesson to be gleaned here is that the Democrats fail miserably at sales. They couldn't sell gold American Eagles for .50 cents.
My whole point is that it's NOT a sales problem. Tons of Democrats want to pin the problem on salesmanship, on marketing, on making the pitch just right.

That's the opposite of what I'm saying. I'm saying the Democrats have a problem with their products and with their understanding of the market. A salesman can't fix this problem.

The Democrats used to sell candy bars and soda and gum and chips, then went into a convenience store one day and noticed the stunning success the Republicans have had selling a mix of HeadOn! Applies Directly to the Forehead and Sudafed to ******s and meth addicts, then decided welp, why don't Democrats get into the medicine business too. Clear off the shelves of the snacks and drinks, let's sell Prilosec and allergy medicine to cut in on the GOP's market, forget candy and chips, what convenience store shoppers want is medicine, I mean look at how much success the Republicans have had selling HeadOn! and TONS of people are buying out the store daily of all of the Sudafed, I mean HeadOn doesn't even have any medicinal benefit at all, at least Prilosec helps with heartburn, and there's apparently ALOT of runny noses out there, let's meet fire with fire and sell Prilosec and Allegra.

The Democrats watch the stunning success of a peculiar business model, misunderstand the underlying value of the products and then frustrate themselves when sales don't materialize. HeadOn! and Sudafed aren't hot sells because of their medicinal value, they're just a mix of scams and chemicals that get people high, and the Democrats core consumers aren't morons and drug addicts, they simply want snacks and Cokes.

Last edited by DVaut1; 06-07-2017 at 07:43 PM.
06-07-2017 , 07:39 PM
You country is far worse off than even I thought if the reaction to all this is meh!

Trumpkins complained nonstop about how we should ignore all of this because it was just unarmed sources. Now the ****ing director of the FBI confirms it all and people are saying meh.

Holy **** waaf
06-07-2017 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I really hate this sentiment. It's the fast track to the gutter.
How many times do you have to lose to people playing in the gutter before you realize that the first rule of the game is " The winner must be in the gutter"

Maybe we can change the rules once we win, but the winners made the rules right now and that's rule 1
06-07-2017 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
The R strategy that is working beautifully on Wichita is summed up in these two quotes.

1) Ryan says he's withholding judgment on Trump/Comey: "My job is to make sure we don't prejudge anything... Let the facts go w/ever they are."

2) Ryan tells @greta he hasn't read Comey testimony but "from wht I've been briefed on, sounds like it's much of what's already been reported."

Bombshell report......... I'm going to be patient and see where the facts take us......... welp, the facts only verify the previous reports that we didn't do anything about since they weren't verified, nothing to see here..... new bombshell........ I'm going to be patient and see where the facts take us......welp, the facts only verify the previous reports that we didn't do anything about since they weren't verified, nothing to see here.

And the White House already issued a statement saying Trump never asked anybody to stop investigating Flynn. The confirmation of info from anonymous leaks that contradict the President would be major news.....if everybody on both sides of the aisle didn't already just assume that Trump was obviously lying.
06-07-2017 , 07:50 PM
A read on Comey’s opening statement. Trump is an autocrat who needs to be investigated, but the GOP will enable him
06-07-2017 , 07:50 PM
I mean the persistent mistake of Democrats seem to be:

Republicans get over with their base selling nonsense scandals, why can't we win selling valid ones?!

The quality of the scandal isn't the reason why Republicans win with it. It's not the input (the facts, the evidence, the motives that constitute a scandal). It's the output: Democrats are lying crooks. None of the inputs matter in the slightest, I mean over two ****ing years here hardly a single right-wing mouthbreather could even EXPLAIN what Hillary Clinton's email scandal was about. Why do we think improving the quality of the inputs to the scandal machine would matter at all?

Then you might ask, well, why don't our voters care that deeply about hearing about how criminal and scandalous Republicans are? Our voters are poorer, they're working, they need education and cheaper medical care, maybe we're overestimating how much time and attention they want to pay demonizing people; maybe at it's core the hobby horse of angry whites and the GOP cornered the market. That's a harder question to answer but the disparity between how Republican nonsense scandals about Democrats hit versus valid wrongdoings Republicans commit often miss -- it is almost sure a consumption problem, not a supply one. By everyone's own admission! Listen to ourselves talk about it. KISS method. Occam's Razor. Republican silliness rules the day because their voters are largely wealthier idiots who can putter around all day getting high on Fox and trade folklore emails and Facebook stories about Democrat race traitors undoing the bonds of white brotherhood. Democrats don't have that kind base of voters. ldo.

Last edited by DVaut1; 06-07-2017 at 07:57 PM.
06-07-2017 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
This is elite.

Ya'll need to stop arguing about whatever dumb crap you're going on about for a few minutes and watch this. It's really amazing.
06-07-2017 , 07:51 PM
The arguments in this thread are pathetic today.

WTF is anybody supposed to do when the people who are in charge of holding Trump accountable won't hold Trump accountable? Wait until we can show them the collusion evidence THEY are demanding so they can just go on to dismiss that also?

What are we supposed to do when the voters supporting Trump refuse to budge on anything they find against him? Try to get the media (that they don't even watch) to change to some other narrative that Trump will convince them is garbage anyway?

And what do you do when the person whose campaign is under investigation is going around and shutting down anything he finds against him? Reveal everything big that you have against him so he can illegally shut that down too?

I'm sorry, but IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY our only tools are things like leaks, the media, career officials, and RUSSIA, which is the only way to "get to Trump" and cause him to turn on his own people and make mistakes against himself. Not to mention making him trip over the web of lies he's been telling.

So answer me, why should we be hung up on ANY smoking gun that will be dismissed, or ANY ONE issue to begin with? We have them and they're doing nothing. A continuous pattern of events, taking away any plausible deniability and removing the case for ignorance or nativity, is stronger than any one "smoking gun", because we have a few of those and they've been useless on their own.
06-07-2017 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
The arguments in this thread are pathetic today.

WTF is anybody supposed to do when the people who are in charge of holding Trump accountable won't hold Trump accountable?.
Based on the concern trolling itt, i think sell candy bars? I wasnt paying too much attention though.
06-07-2017 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
You seem like a nice guy and I can understand the frustration, so I am going to use you as a jumping off point but I don't love it.

But @AllTheCheese: one of the ways you can tell it's the Democrats deeply invested in the Trump/Russia scandal are kinda the side who have "lost the plot bigly" is that here we have a presumably well-meaning Democrats lording over a country with a military budget of eleventy zillion dollars fretting in ALL CAPS about the interests of national security.
06-07-2017 , 08:08 PM
Let's put it differently: if your talking points are now virtually indistinguishable from Bill Kristols at any point from 2001-today then I have to wonder what this scandal has really brought you at the end of the day.
06-07-2017 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
This is elite.

this is awesome!!!
06-07-2017 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Trump asked Russia to hack Clinton. Trump fired Comey over Russia. There is plenty of stuff out there to show collusion and obstruction of justice. Simply ignoring it does not mean it didn't happen.
Trump also is continuing to work with Russia on a regular basis. I mean, forget all the pro-Putin stuff. Forget the movement to clear sanctions the first days in office for absolutely nothing in return. Man, there's just soooo much **** out there, we tend to forget just how much there is.

How about the day after firing Comey, he gets together with the same Russians who attacked us last year, and the same Russians behind all the mysterious spy meetings with everyone in the administration, and goes on to tell them he fired Comey and "the pressure is now off" of Russia. If that isn't enough, he decided to impress them and Putin by revealing Code Word Top Secret Intel, endangering our own people and allies, but ONCE AGAIN HELPING RUSSIA FOR FREE!

Then we're supposed to believe that maybe 30 suspicious contacts with Russia happened, all of which were lied about or covered up, breaking the law in many cases, and a guy like Trump who micromanages everything around him, missed ALL of these. And we're also supposed to believe that these administration workers who are deathly afraid of Trump, all conspired together without his knowledge and then conspired again to protect him. And we're ALSO supposed to believe that Trump paved the way for all of it to happen by purposefully and knowingly hiring crooked, Russia connected people of the highest levels without a clue that anything like that would be happening. And lastly, Trump fired anybody who stood in the way of these crooked, Russia people getting through, and would not fire or remove clearance for the actual criminals in his closest, most secure positions.

There's still much much more. But nothing concrete, right? Give me a ****ing break.
06-07-2017 , 08:14 PM
Really good posting by DVaut, as usual. Imagine if Malia Obama said she didn't see Republicans as humans? People's heads would literally have exploded. The hypocrisy is infuriating to deal with and it's so tempting to point out but he's right: Dem voters and sympathizers don't care. I'm outraged by Eric Trump's comments (straight up Nazi talk) but it hardly seems to have caused a ripple in the liberal sphere. We just need to emphasize why we're better than them, it shouldn't be this hard - Republicans have no ideas for helping the vast majority of Americans, full stop.
06-07-2017 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Why do you think so many GOP'ers cancelled town hall meetings at home?
I think they cancelled them so they could ignore the voters that they personally disagree with whilst knowing that they have the votes to keep them in office since the voters complaining are in the minority. It seems like a stretch to think that if you call, they won't ignore those voters as well. It seems like an exercise in futility. I'm all for this if somehow some way I thought this would possibly make a difference but there has to be another way to fight and gain votes. Like some organization between many many citizens in cities calling in over weeks or months of a time span or protesting outside your reps office.
06-07-2017 , 08:16 PM
That said keeping focus on Russia seems fine to me, anything that causes Trump to further melt down and be unable to accomplish anything is a win.
06-07-2017 , 08:19 PM
At this point, who doesn't know someone who has been completely ****ed over by our health care system? I'm a well off dude with great corporate health insurance, and every time I have to deal with the health care system I lose my mind with rage.

This is the type of issue that should be so ****ing easy to run on. Sick of dealing with insurance companies? Sick of getting random bills for thousands of dollars that you can't even read? Sick of getting collections calls all day for medical bills you didn't even know you had? Sick of putting off medical care you know you need because you know you can't afford it? ****, tens of millions of people have "insurance" that they can't even use because they can't pay their deductible.

Run on ****ing single payer! How hard is this ****?!
06-07-2017 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
We all (I assume) have Republican friends. I sincerely think this is the only way we're gonna take the country back. The echo chamber isn't going to work. We need to get out and talk to everyone we know. Join a group (I'm looking at several now) to volunteer to reach out. I just think it's so ****ing important to start ousting Republicans wherever possible. Right down to your local dog catcher if one is on the ballot.

Dvaut is of course, right. But we, the MSM, have been aghast at this imbecile for almost two years now and just when we think GOTCHA! He can't possibly get out of this, and surely NO ONE could vote or support him now, he comes away all the stronger.
lol at having republican friends. that is legit mind bottling to me.
06-07-2017 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is a terrible post. WDM's fundamental point is that nothing short of outright collusion will result in Trump's impeachment. That is probably correct.

To the extent he is saying that Democrats should drop the Russia issue entirely absent evidence of outright collusion, I disagree, but that doesn't seem like his main point.
No it isn't. Like, at all. At least not what I've unfortunately had to read from people who inexplicably keep quoting his concern-trolling contrarian ass. He's saying that THERE'S NO PROOF HERE THAT TRUMP COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA SO STFU which completely misses the ****ing point. The guy has obstructed justice. He's tried to derail the investigation at every turn. He refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in our election. Never mind that the outcome was favorable to's a HUGE BIGLY BIG DEAL that Russia did this and our President refuses to even acknowledge it. His underlings met with Russians (and, apparently, only Russians) during and immediately after the campaign and then repeatedly lied about it. That's the point. We all know Trump's not getting impeached with this Congressional makeup.
