Originally Posted by master3004
Lol at Spicer saying Trumps tweets are official white house statements.
No way that can come back to bite them
What's the difference? They'll just change the rule back when needed.
That's how this administration works. No bounds when it comes to doing what's best for Trump. People recuse themselves when needed and unrecuse when needed to do that. They have one story in the morning, another in the afternoon, and a 3rd at night. Then Trump tweets another change the next morning.
They present policies as being good for the people (lie) and publicly show some barely noticeable, neutral action as the main reason for the policy. Meanwhile, the real main reason takes place in private and consists of what's good for Trump and those around him.
When Trump makes a mistake, he blames others 100% of the time. In the rare event something good happens, Trump takes credit 100% of the time.
It's impossible to know what anything we're being told means. Trump has a strategy of unpredictability, but he even manages to **** that up. He blindsides allies, and warns our enemies.