Originally Posted by ligastar
it was a great line in the context of what Sasse said.
his closing monologue is a must watch. "when they go low we kick them in the nuts" sums it up.
The dude Sasse had just said 'come work in the field'. The delivery and phrasing by Maher was awkward but I like the concept. We have some Repub clown talking about a plantation; the hand plays itself.
I mean, the problem I have with the potential outrage over this is it further feeds into the opposite stance, in that we have millions of racists in this country who don't think they are racist, are in fact outright perplexed behind the label, simply because they DON'T say the so-called n-word or any other no-no words.
That's the entire stupid zeitgeist right now. We have a president who literally ran on a platform of post-neo-small-N-nazism, telling the white people they're the real victims and he will make it all great again, like the good ol' days, and give them all jobs and medicine and ponies, whilst telling black folk he wants nationwide stop-n-frisk and blaming every single woe on 'immigrants' and despite all this his supporters are asking for 'proof' that trump is racist because that magical n-word tape hasn't surfaced. And they're not ALL trolling; some of them are genuinely flummoxed behind all this.
I'd like to see a world where every time some clown appeared on TV and used a noxious dog-whistle, some white liberal talking head would respond, verbatim, "You want to say 'n****rs' so just say it you pathetic f**king coward." I could die happy.