Originally Posted by otatop
They can't prove Sessions did it intentionally even though it's pretty obvious that he did.
"It"? You mean "them", don't you?
If it turns out Sessions did meet Kislyak at the Mayflower (and based on the statement released by the Justice Department, it sure looks that way), then Sessions is in deep. He's going to have a tough time arguing AGAINST intent after having met with Kislyak three times, leaving the meetings off his application, lying about them to Congress in written form and then verbally to Al Franken at his confirmation hearing, having a news report come out mentioning 2 of the 3 meetings, issuing a public correction of his testimony saying 2 (NOT 3) meetings happened but claiming they were in a Senator's capacity ONLY AFTER the news exposed them, and now having a brand new news report about the 3rd undisclosed meeting with the Russian Ambassador.
Add in the pattern/fact of Flynn, Manafort, Page, Kushner (any more?) all using similar tactics of concealing ONLY RUSSIAN information, and you have a coordinated effort warranting many investigations that can easily include room for a perjured Sessions in their probes.