Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Not the whole thread. It goes on to show that Democrats can easily take over the masculinity messaging. The United Steelworkers put out a message during the campaign calling Trump a 'soft handed boss', Bernie's commercials usually featured men in working class 'manly' jobs. It'd be pretty easy Teddy Roosevelt style to make conservation and environmentalism a necessary part of 'manly' outdoor activities. Half those truck commercials have them driving through some river or on some rugged outdoor rocks.
I agree that Sweeney's twitter thread thing is more than just the Coal Rolling idea (e.g., that tons of right-winger dudes see destruction of the environment as a masculine virtue and that's what triggers them).
But I don't know that it's that easy to reframe. The problem is that the GOP's masculinity messaging IS coarse, bottom barrel identity politics. That they borrow from cheap Madison Avenue tropes like BIG TRUCKS = MANLY MEN is a good point, and more importantly, Republicans are fishing for people with very traditional views about gender: Men like big polluting cars and don't sip coffee like Pajama Boy and want to engage in hand to hand combat with ISIS, unlike pussy liberals who want to give refugees a hug while wearing pink turtlenecks or whatever, and women swoon at big dick swingin' guys.
So how easy it is to reframe progressive values as compatible with THAT kind of masculinity without upsetting existing values about gender equality? The right can get away with calling girly-men pussies because they embrace the notion that tough guys = good and effeminate men = bad and their voters are into that ****. Are Democrats, anymore? At some point you're going to have big groups of the existing Democratic coalition throwing justifiable fits if the Democrats contort themselves to flatter masculine sensibilities. I'm not saying it's impossible but I don't think it's easy; returning back to the New Deal Democratic marketing aesthetic of masculine men working manufacturing jobs are messages that were effective with a vastly different Democratic Party.
I mean:
Michael Sweeney @mtsw 2h2 hours ago
Replying to @mtsw @steelworkers
24) But because of IDENTITY and VALUES. They're making "YAS KWEEN" pitches to guys who seem themselves as truck guys from the ads
2 replies 28 retweets 131 likes
Michael Sweeney @mtsw 2h2 hours ago
Replying to @mtsw @steelworkers
23) It's Democrats in Washington that don't seem to get that they're losing workers' votes across the country not because of self-interest
2 replies 20 retweets 72 likes
Michael Sweeney @mtsw 2h2 hours ago
Replying to @mtsw @steelworkers
22) They even smartly turn the masculinity frame around on Donald Trump as "soft handed boss"
I think everyone gets #24. Democrats are having a hard time pitching themselves to the guys in the truck ads because the guys that see themselves in truck ads are deeply wedded to traditional, regressive views about the appropriate roles of men and women in society and Democrats are supposed to be the party that is fighting for a different world. What Sweeney is really asking for is probably something kind of far larger and more pervasive and that's to re-define masculinity as not that stuff. But as he noted before, truck ads and Budweiser ads are deeply embedded all over the place in culture. Up-rooting it isn't like This One Weird Trick To Make Men See Themselves as Progressives, it's a kulturkampf. That's a big project.
Last edited by DVaut1; 06-02-2017 at 04:41 PM.