Originally Posted by aflametotheground
this sounds like a too strong of a statement imo. its true in alot of cases but i think there has to be a good portion of excetions.
on the top of my head, one example is the consumer debt industry having a regulation that demands a official debt registry. this is even favored by the relevant companies in the region where i live. it will help companies avoid giving loans to people that cant really pay for it so they lose less money.
You are exactly right.
There are literally thousands of examples of regulation being great for industry. Mine for example exists solely due to regulation.
The other classic example is requirements for registration in professional associations for things like hair dressers or masseuses. These are great for the industry as they create an artificial supply shortage thus increasing the value of the labor.
This is exactly why Wookie's point is so accurate. There are tons of regulations which hurt some industry but just as many which help another.
As stated earlier the world is not black and white. It's complex.