Originally Posted by StimAbuser
So can't most of this be undone in 2-4 years if dems win back house & presidency?
Laws can (maybe) be changed (depending on filibuster rules, the new POTUS' willingness to deploy executive orders, etc), but, in many cases, fixing things is much harder than not breaking them in the first place.
- It's generally easier to not put greenhouse gasses into the air in the first place than to pull them out. Similarly, it's pretty hard to reattach a portion of arctic ice that has already fallen off the shelf.
- It's much cheapier/easier to maintain infrastructure like roads and bridges before they encounter problems than to have to rebuild them after a catastrophic failure.
-Loss of institutional memory. When you chase out smart scientists/ regulators / administrators by gutting departments and undermining morale, those folks move on to other jobs and the institutions as a whole lose the benefit of their knowledge and experiemce. It is hard to have good senior leadership in 5--10 years if you wipe out all of the talented mid level people today