Originally Posted by aflametotheground
yes half the country are racists and hateful bigots.
i think the drive to keep society homogeneous (suppress rights of immigrants, gays, etc) is whats behind the conservative morals/values. we liberals are sort of the opposite, so we just clash in politics. however there is nothing we can do about conservatives, its just how their brain is wired. for example no conservative would ever be able to change me or you.
but i dont think conservatives hate other races, like a racist would, i just think they feel uneasy about having all sorts of different people in their society. couple this with the polarization in politics where they feel like they cant talk about immigration and you will get something that looks like anger and racism but its more about immigrants. they dont necessarily dislike those who are not in the country. (and of course there is some percentage that is racists, like in every other country).
Interestingly the bolded is directly confirmed in the latter part of that 'cast I linked above. They talk to Pat Buchanen, who was Too Racist For Politics back in 92 and 96 when he ran on a platform that was virtually identical to Trump's (and ldo lost). He flat out says that he feels more comfortable around people "like" him because he's "a homeboy," and "multiculturalism" is destroying America because immigrants don't "assimilate," which is more nonsense dogwhistled racism.
They don't HATE "The Others," you see, The Others simply make them "uncomfortable." Breitbart seized on this in 2014 and used it with pristine precision to get rid of Cantor. (As an aside: Cantor wasn't even pushing "amnesty" for the sake of doing right by immigrants, which was bad enough in the eyes of the teahadis...it was a political calculation. He and other establishment types within the GOP knew then that if they continue to alienate minorities it would lead to a continued erosion of their power structure. The Tea Party thought otherwise, specifically that "amnesty" would just lead to more Dem voters...they quote Mouth of the Tea Party Laura Ingraham saying exactly that. As of right now, the latter school of thought is winning out.)