Originally Posted by 5ive
I'll full admit this could my own personal very soft bigotry and racism manifesting but I refuse to believe a youngish black dude voted for trump. Unless he's old but has that Jon Cryer thing going on. Or is Omarosa's BF or BFF or something.
What do you consider old? I can give you black males (and couples) in their 30s, 40s, and 50s who voted for Trump. Granted, they're all at least upper middle class, anti-drug (in that they all think illegal Mexicans contribute to this country's drug problem and are for the wall), and are afraid of another 9/11 happening here.
Here's how one black female client put it to me over over lunch while I was picking my jaw up off the floor upon hearing how she's gonna vote for Trump. "I want a man who's successful, decisive, and makes me feel safe and secure".
You think she's an *******?
One last question: You think it takes a bigger ******* to be black and support Trump or a female? What about a Jew or someone disabled?