Also while I'm ranting before I likely go away for a week, some self-defeating nonsense I've seen from some people is mind-boggling. Some combination of either: 1) the travel ban is under inclusive because it doesn't even include the countries where all the Mohammedmen terrorists breed, like whatabboutery Saudi Arabia or Pakistan?! And 2) oh, Trump has business interests in these other countries, see, look at his self-interest at work!
Both of these are missing the point.
To wit:
Set aside the question of whether imposing blanket bans on entire countries’ populations because of the actions of a few evil individuals is justified either morally or on human rights grounds. The bigger problem is that it also isn’t likely to do much to reduce the terrorism threat.
And the 9/11 hijackers? Fifteen were from Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one was Egyptian. Osama bin Laden was a Saudi citizen, and his top deputies — including the current leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, were Egyptian.
Literally not a single one of those countries is on Trump's list, and the ones that do show up repeatedly — especially Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt — aren’t on the list.
No! Don't set the moral and humanitarian questions!
But then: the technocratic point is terrible too! Making the law more inclusive to include Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Egypt wouldn't make anyone materially or significantly safer either.
Like I just got done ranting about virtue signaling being pointless, but jesus, wtf is this ****? Would we be happier if Trump's ban was MORE inclusive to include any nation with a lot of Muslims?
Like, OK, hammering Trump for his lack of virtue is a bad idea, but what the **** is this "well, come to think of it, Hitler really should have stayed focused on the Jews, but he didn't even bother Belgian Jews and got distracted by the Roma! What a moron" ****? Like, what the ****?
If we insist on virtue signaling, can we at least do it correctly? And we should be lampooning Trump as inept, but can we do it in ways where his logical pivot isn't more heinous? These arguments all read that basically, Trump is correct to institute the travel ban, he just forgot Egypt and Saudi Arabia. No wonder voters wind up confused.