Originally Posted by aflametotheground
to be honest, if trump was on the left-wing running for the democrats and it was him vs one of the GOP guys in the general election i would have voted for him. also true if it was a left wing equivalent of sarah palin.
not in the primaries of course, so its true alot of republicans chose him over other gop candidates there.
but in the general election the thing is that the "other side" is so reluctant for most people that they would rather vote for their own candidate even if he/she is pretty damn dumb. thats how polarized it is.
edit: or maybe not, im not sure tbh :S the thing is that he could have been a danger to the democracy but at the same time letting the gop win would be pretty bad, so not sure.
I disagree with this, but its an impossible thought experiment because his views are one of the things that make him so terrible and nobody with those "views" is winning a democratic primary. If somehow Trump won the democratic presidential primary on a racist populist platform based on getting tough on immigration, leaving Nato, cozying up to Russia, and being the orange idiot that he is with foreign affairs and the launch codes, but increasing the minimum wage and true infrastructure, and rescuing obamacare, I am voting for Jeb Bush, or Marco Rubio, or Chris Christie, before I"m voting for DJT on the dem ticket. I am confident there are a lot like me. Democratic DJT versus Ted Cruz is tough I'll admit, I guess I would have been one of those insufferable Johnson voters then.