@Adebisi: It's a more than fair price. Literally 25 cents per day. The people who have your mentality generally won't pay any amount more than zero. I'd be shocked if they could quintuple their subscriptions by charging $2 per month instead of $9. Charging the highest amount that the average person who's willing to pay will pay is a solid tactic.
You'll get a ton of people that pay $2 just to read one particular article. As long as you make cancelling a big enough hassle, you'll get people who aren't really avid news readers paying $2/month for
years because they wanted to read that one article about that thing they were interested in. If you run this out over a few years, I think you eventually end up with a massive amount of subscribers that pretty much never even read the paper.
Charge an amount that people will pay on a whim to read a single article, they will more than quintuple their user base easily. I have no interest whatsoever in subscribing to Rolling Stone Magazine, but there have been a few times where I wanted to read a specific article. I read them for free online, but if that first article had been behind $1.79/month paywall, I would have been a Rolling Stone subscriber for the past 10 years. If it was $10 to read that article, I wouldn't have paid, because like I said, I have no interest whatsoever in subscribing to Rolling Stone Magazine.